Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mister Manners...

This is how the almost 2 year old conversation went this morning...

Me: "Good morning Buddy. Would you like some milk and a snack?"

Jimmy: "Yup."

I went to the kitchen and got a fresh milk cup and some Nilla Wafers. I came back into the bedroom where my adorable son was watching Handy Manny and awaiting his goods patiently and handed them to him.

Jimmy: "Thank you Mommy."

Me: "Your welcome Buddy."

This Mister Manners act has been going on for about a week now. Every single thing that you do for, give to, or acknowledge with Jimmy is followed by a prompt and direct "Thank You Mommy/Daddy."

And we LOVE it!

He is so interactive and interested in the world around him it amazes me! He truly studies the way we communicate with each other and mocks it.

I am loving this new phase of his and look forward to each day to see what he will learn next!

It is an exciting life here at the Grebe house!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Many firsts...

It seems that every single day lately we have been experiencing "firsts" in Jimmy's life. From first movies to first pee in the potty, they are just rolling along. Everyday seems to be more exciting then the last and we can't help but revel in each little or large first! He seems to grow and learn more and more every minute. We have certainly been entertained by our little man lately. He is very much a comedian and performer these days. He hears a song and he dances, he see the camera and he says cheese... very much the personality of both of us rolled into one. NOT always a good thing! LOL It seems that he is going to be pretty well rounded, he seems to have more of Jim's technical side, enjoying learning how to use tools and ride the quad. He also has a bit of my chattiness and he loves to read and do puzzles like I always did. He is loving everything and anything with a motor lately. He especially loves the Disney movie Cars right now. He asks to watch "race cars" as he calls it just about every day. Well, about time to get ready for bed... More later.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jimmy's First Ear Infection

Well, we have made it 21 months without one, but today we found out Jimmy has his first ear infection. I had just gotten back from lunch when daycare called to say he woke up from naptime screaming with a 102 degree fever. This was very unusual because normally he is super pleasant after naptime. I rushed right over and picked him up and off we went to the doctor. They had to flush his ears with water while I held him down, which broke my heart. Apparently he has some nasty wax buildup as I witnessed one particularly large chuck that the doctor had to scrape out. And sure enough behind his wax was an infected left ear. Poor little guy! He has had his first dose of antibiotics and some motrin and is napping off his ordeal next to me on the couch. Hopefully we will get control of it now so it doesn't progress further. I am one of those mother's who feels everything her child feels. I was crying as I held him during the ear flushing. I hate for my baby boy to feel bad at all and I get emotional when he does feel bad. Guess that just goes to show that I would give everything I have it meant he would live a pain free life! I also suppose that about every mother feels this way! (At least all the mom's I know!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh Boy...

Jimmy is all boy... The things that spark his interest at such a young age amaze me! If it has a motor, he is all over it. If it is a bodily function, he thinks it is hilarious. If it makes a noise, he wants it. His current phrase of choice is, and I quote "I farted Daddy." He probably says this about 20 times a day, usually NOT following the aforementioned bodily function. The things that entertain youth! I love it!

He has a current obsession with Motorcycles. He will hear a loud truck/car/cycle and automatically he is looking around saying "Cycle, Cycle?" Today, I happened to be shopping at Walmart, and found him a Hot Wheels Die Cast Motorcycle. He LOVES it! HE has been playing with it all day! I love that it is metal and he can't snap the handle bars like he has on his dirt bike. The things a mother looks for in toys!

I am also getting super excited for summer as the weather has been staying warm for a week now. Jimmy loves playing in the boat, which is on the trailer in the yard, so I am hoping he will love going out to the lake on Sundays. I am also looking forward to taking him to the beach this summer and seeing his reaction to the ocean this year. He liked it last summer, so hopefully he will again.

Well, off to bed, I am exhausted tonight... Love to all!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Watching hockey, his new favorite sport!

Jimmy torturing Walker...


Magen's Bay, St. Thomas, USVI

Cruise February 2009

Mr. Chatty

So, for the most part I usually believe that Jimmy is basically a clone of Jim who I just baked for 9 months! However my outlook is changing as he speaks more and more. He wakes up talking, goes to bed talking and sometimes talks in his sleep. He certainly gets it honest! His vocabulary is very large. He never shuts up I swear.
Anyway, nothing really drastically new around here. We went on our cruise and had a blast. Mom and Rach really enjoyed their time here with Jimmy. Rach taught him to say "Peace out" and of course as I suspected they spoiled him rotten (not that we don't.) The cruise was fun. Jim and I really enjoyed the islands. We particularly fell in love with St. Maarten. It was beautiful. We snorkeled on our trip and shopped and just relaxed without having the regular life responsibilities. We did miss little man like crazy though! For our next vacation we are probably gonna take him along and spend time at an all-inclusive resort that is family friendly. We think he would enjoy the sun and sand just as much as we did!

As far as regular daily events go, we have been doing the usual work and play type stuff. We have started taking Jimmy swimming on Friday evenings at the local gym where we belong. He thinks it is a big tub and has a blast! We are hoping to teach him to swim so he can enjoy the water even more. We are looking forward to the warmer weather of spring so we can begin getting our yard in order. We have plans for a vegetable garden and some flower beds along the front of the house and may extend our deck and pour a patio eventually. Our canvas is blank as we built our house in the middle of a pasture so we have plenty of opportunity.

Well, gotta get going. Jimmy has fallen asleep on my shoulder as I have been writing this and it is getting increasingly difficult to type. Hope you enjoy the pics below.

Love to all! Jessye, Jim and Jimmy :) oh, and Walker

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It has been a busy 6 months in the Grebe house to say the least! In September I started a new job working as an Administrative Assistant at The Pantry, Inc. which owns about 1600 +/- convenience stores in 11 states. My job is in the Operations Support Department which deals directly in helping the stores with many things. It is a good job that is interesting and the company is one in which there are many opportunities for growth. Needless to say corporate America definitely takes some getting used to when you have been self-employed for some time! Jimmy started daycare not long after I went to work and he absolutely LOVES it! He goes to the First Presbyterian Child Development Center here in Sanford and has been having a blast since he started. They are wonderful people and we have been extremely pleased at how well they take care of him. A good daycare is hard to find, we have been blessed! At 19 months now he is quite the little fireball! It seems I have doomed myself as he is basically Jim's clone in about every way! He is already a comedian and tries to make us laugh all the time. He talks non-stop! (I guess he got something from me! LOL) The pediatrician was very pleased when we were there last month at how well he is doing as far as development goes and actually told us he is a bit ahead of the curve! We have so much fun listening to each and every new words he learns and watching him understand so many things! Real Estate seems to be a bit slow here, but unlike a lot of places things are selling! Jim keeps himself busy with his 5 neighborhoods as they take up lots of time needing regular contact with all his builders and maintenance on all his websites. He likes it a lot and I know the real estate business is a good fit for him. we ourselves built a new house in 2008 and have been moved in since about November. We are enjoying living in the country on 3 acres and being able to play outside with Jimmy and our newest addition Walker. Walker is a Golden Retriever mix who Jim found on the side of the road in January. He is a great dog already at 10 weeks and growing so fast. He and Jimmy will be best buddies for sure! They seem to follow each other around already! The new house is wonderful. It has lots of space for us to grow in for many years to come. I will be posting some more pictures soon to include ones of the house and Walker. Better get going for now, Jimmy is sleeping and needs to be carried up to his room. Will write more soon! Love to all, Jessye, Jim, & Jimmy. xoxo

At the park...

He loves his red wagon!


Comedian already...

Welcome to our family blog! After many requests from family members to see updated photos of Jimmy, we decided it would make sense to start a blog so everyone could check it out at their leisure and know what is going on in our lives.