Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jimmy's First Ear Infection

Well, we have made it 21 months without one, but today we found out Jimmy has his first ear infection. I had just gotten back from lunch when daycare called to say he woke up from naptime screaming with a 102 degree fever. This was very unusual because normally he is super pleasant after naptime. I rushed right over and picked him up and off we went to the doctor. They had to flush his ears with water while I held him down, which broke my heart. Apparently he has some nasty wax buildup as I witnessed one particularly large chuck that the doctor had to scrape out. And sure enough behind his wax was an infected left ear. Poor little guy! He has had his first dose of antibiotics and some motrin and is napping off his ordeal next to me on the couch. Hopefully we will get control of it now so it doesn't progress further. I am one of those mother's who feels everything her child feels. I was crying as I held him during the ear flushing. I hate for my baby boy to feel bad at all and I get emotional when he does feel bad. Guess that just goes to show that I would give everything I have it meant he would live a pain free life! I also suppose that about every mother feels this way! (At least all the mom's I know!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh Boy...

Jimmy is all boy... The things that spark his interest at such a young age amaze me! If it has a motor, he is all over it. If it is a bodily function, he thinks it is hilarious. If it makes a noise, he wants it. His current phrase of choice is, and I quote "I farted Daddy." He probably says this about 20 times a day, usually NOT following the aforementioned bodily function. The things that entertain youth! I love it!

He has a current obsession with Motorcycles. He will hear a loud truck/car/cycle and automatically he is looking around saying "Cycle, Cycle?" Today, I happened to be shopping at Walmart, and found him a Hot Wheels Die Cast Motorcycle. He LOVES it! HE has been playing with it all day! I love that it is metal and he can't snap the handle bars like he has on his dirt bike. The things a mother looks for in toys!

I am also getting super excited for summer as the weather has been staying warm for a week now. Jimmy loves playing in the boat, which is on the trailer in the yard, so I am hoping he will love going out to the lake on Sundays. I am also looking forward to taking him to the beach this summer and seeing his reaction to the ocean this year. He liked it last summer, so hopefully he will again.

Well, off to bed, I am exhausted tonight... Love to all!